Created by Martin Sirk, this animation attempts to visualize the complicated 3-D geometry of the AM Her-type cataclysmic variable UZ Fornacis. The top section of the image displays the system geometry: the M star (red-orange) and white dwarf (purple dot), the ballistic portion of the accretion stream (red), the magnetic field of the white dwarf (purple "figure 8"), and the magnetically threaded portion of the accretion stream (green). The bottom left of the image shows an enlargement of the white dwarf (deep blue) and the accretion spot (white) which is the source of all the observed EUV emission. The magnetic axis of the white dwarf (indicated by the white "tick" mark below the accretion spot) is offset from the star's spin axis. At bottom right is the actual light curve obtained with the EUVE scanning telescopes in the Lexan/B bandpass (60-175 A). At these wavelengths the entire flux observed by EUVE is exclusive to the accretion spot (i.e. the photosphere of neither star is observed). The light curve shows a wealth of structure caused by both geometrical and astrophysical reasons. The "bouncing red ball" indicates the observed flux for the given orientation of the stellar system as depicted. The system parameters as depicted are accurately represented; all were derived from the EUV light curve. Thanks to Dr. Patrick Jelinsky for his assistance in the conversion of the individual images to the MPEG format. (Warren, Sirk and Vallerga 1994)